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时间:2024-6-4 9:37:26来源:本站原创作者:佚名点击:


热景生物的展位成为展会的焦点之一,并收获了主办方颁发的Better Stands铜奖。本次展会,热景生物的化学发光和上转发光免疫检测解决方案,以及小分子免疫检测新技术吸引了众多参观者的关注和赞誉。同时,公司还首次展出登革热检测产品,为热带地区传染病诊断提供了新的解决方案。从高精度的诊断平台,到高质量诊断试剂和药物原材料,热景生物在各领域的技术优势和潜力获得了与会各界的高度认可。

持续深入了解客户是热景生物一贯的服务宗旨,也是企业不断创新的动力源(3.910, -0.16, -3.93%)泉。本次展会中,我们不仅与现有客户进行深入交流,共同探索合作新机遇,还结识了许多新的潜在合作伙伴,持续拓展热景海外朋友圈。


On May 24th, 2024, the 2024 Brazil Sao Paulo International Medical Equipment Exhibition (Hospitalar) concluded successfully. In this expo, Hotgen's booth becomes one of the highlights of the exhibition, receiving Better Stands Bronze from the expo organizer,Informa. Hotgen’s versatile chemiluminescence and Up-Converting Phosphor Technology (patented) immunoassay solutions as well as the new diagnostic technology for small molecules receive many visitors’ attention and praise. At this exhibition, Hotgen’s dengue fever detection products makes its debut to the market, offering a new solution to tropic infectious disease diagnostics. From high-precision diagnostic platforms to high-quality diagnostic reagent raw materials, Hotgen’s technical advantages and potentials in various fields are well recognized.

Ever keeping communicating with customers for better understanding of their needs is always a key business principle of Hotgen, which continuously drives Hotgen's innovation since our foundation. During this exhibition, we not only had in-depth communication and interaction with existing customers in search of new cooperation opportunities, but also met many new potential partners, expanding Hotgen’s global relationship network.

Innovate diagnostics for value creation. Our commitment to innovative diagnostic solutions and medical laboratories development will sustain as always. We are looking forward to contributing more to the international healthcare community.

